Learn the Key Club Cheer!
Hey Key Clubbers, How do you feel?
We feel good, oh we feel so good! Uh!
We feel fine, all of the time.
Ahwooga, ahwooga, ahwooga wooga wooga
Hold up, wait a minute, let me put some booty in it.
Ah some booty, ah ah some booty.
Ah some booty, ah ah some booty.
Chaney LaPlante
Director of Committees
Dylan Grutkowski
Key Leader Ambassador
Hailie Bass
Lewis Icopini
Rob Ivankovich
Calie Jo Johnson
Alex Drahos
Montana's International Trustee

The District Board is the body that represents the clubs of the District on a larger scale. We strive to unite the clubs through service and by planning both YC and DCON. The board consists of a Lt. Governor for each Division, in our case eight, the District Secretary, the District Techmaster, District Social Media Director/Bulletin Editor and, of course, our leader the District Governor who also serves on the International Council. We are elected at DCON and serve until the next board is elected and installed at the Governor's Farewell Banquet. Please congratulate and welcome the
2023-2024 Montana District Key Club Board!!!
Michelle is a Health Enhancement educator at North Middle School in Great Falls. A 20+ year member of the Kiwanis Family, she is an awarding winning Faculty Advisor and recipient of the Leland Key of Honor.
Michelle Preston
Valerie Pachl
Valerie teaches special education at Custer County High School. She started the HOPE food pantry at the school. A Leland Key of Honor recipient, Val has served as a Faculty Advisor for over a decade.