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Aika Lanes
MT District Governor
​Hello Mighty Montana District Key Clubbers! I'm Aika Lanes, serving as your District Governor for the 2024-2025 service year! Previously, I have served as District Secretary, Lieutenant Governor of Division 6, and Vice President of Bozeman High Key Club. I have been in Key Club since my freshman year, and I will be graduating from Bozeman High School with the Class of 2025. Outside of Key Club, I am involved in STEAM advocacy, band, NHS, and other activities. I am thrilled to serve you all on the District Board again, and I can't wait to see what we accomplish together this year. I am looking forward to working with the District Board members, club officers, and Key Club members of the Mighty Montana District, helping us all grow as individuals and as a community! Please feel free to reach out to me anytime, I am here to help! Let's continue to change the world for the better, one community at a time!
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