District Events
Youth Conference
YC is the Montana District of Key Club fall kick-off rally. We provide education about all things Key Club within the Montana District, including Key Club basics, officer training, the Governor's Project, Major Emphasis, ELIMINATE, Youth Opportunity Fund, Key Club International and Kiwanis, Preferred charities and partners, awards and scholarships available, and much more. The purpose is to educate the attendees and inspire them to take what they learn to their home clubs so that these clubs can be more effective.

MT District Convention
District Convention (DCON) is held by the Montana District of Key Club in the spring of each year. It is a celebration of the various clubs' achievements over the last year, and also is where we elect the new district leadership for the upcoming year. There are a number of educational workshops held, both for new club officers, and for the general membership. There are also inspirational speakers, contests, and fun activities for all.

Key Club International Convention
Join us at the biggest event of the Key Club year! We’ll celebrate the amazing things Key Club members do with more than 1,500 students from all across the world.
You’ll also have the opportunity to:
Travel to and from International Convention with your district.
Share innovative service project and fundraising ideas.
Listen to amazing speaker and learn about service leadership.
Train for your leadership position and elect next year’s International Board.
Discover new charities and organizations you and your club can team up with.
Have fun and make memories and friendships that last a lifetime.

Centennial Challenge!
March 23, 2025, marks the 100th anniversary of Key Club International! To commemorate a century of service to communities around the world, the Executive Committee (the international committee responsible for establishing annual goals) has created an exciting new opportunity: the Centennial Challenge!
Open to all 33 districts, the Centennial Challenge is designed to foster membership growth and promote district development. To complete this challenge, a district must achieve 60 points, using an online scale. The incentives make it even more rewarding!